The full uncut GI Exclusive interview with Big Boy from Strength Cartel.

Strength Cartel values authenticity above all else – and Big Boy has been a major and central figure in the Strength Cartel collective (now turned business venture) since the beginning. That’s why Generation Iron sat down with Big Boy for an extended interview to discuss a variety of topics including the origins of Strength Cartel, where its future lies, and some of the most trending topics currently in bodybuilding and fitness.


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In the interview Big Boy discusses how he and his team confront fake weight lifters to help bring authenticity to the fitness world. He also discusses the reality of his beef with Rich Piana and how he looks back on it after his passing. Other topics include Big Boy’s past in prison and how social media helped him change his image, his reaction to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s call for drug testing in bodybuilding (“Arnold should shut his mouth”), and whether or not the internet has spread negativity into the world of bodybuilding and fitness.

Generation Iron releases the top interview segments from all of our GI Exclusive interviews conducted – but for those that want to take the time to watch the full long form video, and the in between topics that didn’t make it into our top headlines – the full interview is now available to watch in it’s entirety.

Watch the full GI Exclusive interview with Strength Cartel’s Big Boy above!

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