Chinese bodybuilder Gui Yuna is more than just another pretty face on the bodybuilding figure stage — she’s an award-winning Paralympic athlete.
Gui, who lost her leg in car accident when she was seven, has been extremely honest with fans about how difficult her journey to the bodybuilding stage has been. Gui recounted many childhood instances of bullying and harassment she suffered as a disabled person and said those experiences shaped the woman she is today and inspired her to fight harder for herself. At 35, Gui recently competed in the Paralympics in Athens and won first place at her first bodybuilding show in Shanghai.
“It’s possible that I won first place not because of my professionalism or muscles, but because of my confidence and bravery to stand on the stage and show myself to everyone,” Gui said of her maverick win. “Many people think that fate was unkind to me, but I don’t think so. I am thankful for having these hardships. Why do I say that? Because of this I grew up, it made my heart stronger and made me what I am today.”
Gui has also been open with fans about how her injuries have caused her to be discriminated against in the workplace. Many people with visible disabilities aren’t chosen for front-facing roles at certain companies because it’s thought to reflect poorly on the company’s image. However, Gui has persevered in her search and was recently promoted to partner at a home decoration company.
Gui hopes her triumphs in the sport will inspire other young women who have struggled with bullying or discrimination based on their appearance. She’s done much more with one leg than most people have done with two!
*All images and media courtesy of Instagram.