Bodybuilder Takes His Own Life With Massive Steroid Injection

A bodybuilder takes his own life utilizing the very substance used to aid muscle building.

The current state of the world has left everyone feeling out of sorts. 2020 has been a year filled with grief, fear, and uncertainty for almost every individual out there. Whether you lost your job due to the global health crisis, lost a loved one, or have suffered mental health issues, 2020 has had quite the effect on people.

The latter point of mental health is one that few people are touching on. The reality is that depression has already been a major issue in the modern world. The current climate seems to have only exacerbated things. Depression has led to many more people engaging in risky behavior, violence, and even suicide.

It appears that’s what led to the death of Indian bodybuilder Mejal Keriwala.

Police in Surat, India recovered the body of the 34 year old bodybuilder and gym owner. After Mejal Keriwala’s body was discovered in his car near Sneh Sankul Wadi by locals, they contacted the police. The officers at the scene discovered syringes and liquid in the car. The liquid would later be identified as a unidentified steroid. Police shared a statement after a forensic test was taken.

“On Friday he took an overdose of the injection which killed him. It is clear that he injected himself with the intention to take his own life.”

The reasoning behind why Keriwala took his own life is still unclear. However, his family did say that he had been suffering from depression.

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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Jonathan Salmon
Managing editor of Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. He has been writing about bodybuilding, combat sports, and strength sports for over 8 years. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.