Battling against the odds.
Sometimes we feel sorry for ourselves. Losing a competition, suffering an injury, failing in some other capacity, all can send us into a bout of self-pity. In those time’s its critical to understand that we are not special – that others have been in worse situations and dealt with them better. This simple perspective alone can offer enormous strength.
A couple in Houston lends such perspective.
Wade Washington has scoliosis, yet still aspired to physical pursuits. He told CBS Philadelphia:
“At first I thought about trying to become a professional wrestler. That was my first goal.”
Eventually he turned to bodybuilding as a career with BJ, his wife of 24 years who has cerebral palsy. Their trainer, Tina Chandler at Normal To Be Fit, said when she met the couple she was determined to help them succeed.
“I said I don’t know how we’re going to do this but we’re going to find a way.”
But not even she could have predicted the impressive results. BJ, who weighed 172-pounds and was unable to walk or get out bed on her own, lost a stunning 57 pounds in one year.
Now BJ squats and scales stairs in the gym. She said the training has come with great mental rewards as well.
“It really teaches us discipline and to really be in touch with who we are as a person with a disability.”
The two have entered local competitions and won several awards. Wade even has a banner at the gym.
BJ said the bodybuilding mentality serves her every day
“I am an overcomer of whatever life throws at me. I don’t let it stop me. I don’t give up.”
These two truly are an inspiration. We wish them all the best as they continue their fitness journey.
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