Brad Castleberry on fake weight accusations: “I don’t care. I take it as a compliment.”

Brad Castleberry is most likely best known for being accused of lifting fake weights. Or if you don’t believe in the accusations, he’s best known for his incredible feats of strength that he publishes on social media. Many have tried to prove beyond a doubt that Brad is faking his lifts – but short of an actual legal investigation it all falls under guesswork by deeply analyzing his videos. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, we ask Brad Castleberry directly about the fake weight controversy.

It should come as no surprise that Brad Castleberry denies the fake weight accusations. He’s being doing that consistently since they first started catching attention. But how has that affected his brand, career, and life? When we sat down with Brad we wanted to know in detail how he really feels about the fake weight controversy and have him explain once and for all why so many people think he’s faking lifts.

Right off the bat, Brad confidently states that he doesn’t care at all about the accusations. Quite the contrary, he is grateful for them. In his mind, the accusations simply prove that his strength is so shocking and unreal, that people can’t believe he’s actually doing it. But since he knows that the weights are real, he has nothing to fear. If anything, the accusations have brought more attention to him and made him stand out as a unique brand. At one point in our interview he literally thanks the haters for putting a “signature” on his brand for him.

But why do so many people focus on Brad Castleberry and lifting fake weight? Brad thinks it’s because he is one of a kind and doing things no one can believe. He thinks he lifts smart, hardly ego lifts, and therefore never gets major injuries audiences normally expect at some point from an incredible top tier lifter. He also points to the quality of his physique as proof that the weights aren’t fake. He states that he simply wouldn’t have the kind of massive and shredded physique if he wasn’t actually training hard.

At the end of the day, unless he’s hooked up to a lie detector test, put under other in the court of law, or gets exposed by someone with indisputable evidence – this controversy will continue to ping pong back and forth in the public court of opinion forever.

Whether you believe he’s actually lifting real weights or simply faking it – his breakdown into how he reacts to the attention and how it affects his life is an interesting one. You can check it out in our latest GI Exclusive segment above!

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