Bradley Martyn Shows Incredible Strength Pulling Heavy Ass Weight For Reps

Insane weight for reps.

Hard training has always been a staple of bodybuilding training. While bodybuilding as an endeavor may not focus on strength like powerlifting or strongman competitions, you do need to have a certain level of strength in order to pack on tremendous muscle onto your frame. It’s certainly no easy task to build up muscle once you hit a certain threshold of gains. As a result of lifting heavy you can ensure that muscle will grow as will strength. Essentially at the end of the day powerbuilding is the best go to in order to make both strength and muscle gains. It seems that these days it’s a notion that Bradley Martyn is taking to heart.

Known for his eccentric lifting videos as well as being a personal trainer, Bradley Martyn has built up a pretty large following in the last few years. Many of his videos showcase his strength in interesting ways, many’s personal favorites being his squat videos where he’s done everything from squatting heavy weight while balancing on a hover board or when he had women sitting on either end of a barbell and lifting them with general ease. It’s certainly something you don’t see every day which perhaps is the whole point of these crazy lifting videos.

All that being said, you’d be a fool to think that Bradley Martyn doesn’t possess some serious lifting ability. While he may love to produce unorthodox lifting videos for fun, Martyn is still a serious lifter with a tremendous amount of strength. Need some proof of that? Then check out the video below of Bradley Martyn doing an interesting variation on the barbell row, powerrows, with 405 lbs on the bar.

405lb power rows for reps ? _______ @bmfitgear (lifting gear!?????) @bradley_martyn (2nd acct) @originsupps (?)

A video posted by Bradley Martyn (@bradleymartyn) on

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Strength Wars Movie
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