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The full uncut GI Exclusive interview with Chef Rush.
Chef Rush might be better known as the bodybuilding White House Chef. A fact about his life that went viral a few years ago and brought him more attention than he ever originally imagined. He’s used that fame to help spread awareness about mental health for veterans, promote healthy eating, and also healthy fitness. In the past few months we have released segments from our sit down interview with Chef Rush including why he does 2,222 push ups every day, whether he’s natural or not, and if bodybuilders should indulge in alcohol. Now we have released the full uncut interview that covers these topics and a few others that didn’t make it into our release schedule.
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Chef Rush is more than just a really jacked chef at the White House. He’s a man that wants to help make the world a better place through his gifts. One of those gifts is through cooking and nutrition. But more than that – he also understands the deep mental health issues that run through our returning veterans after being abroad. Having been in the military himself – he has made it his mission to help spread awareness and find ways to help veterans in need.
His 2,222 push ups every day is part of spreading that awareness. It represents the statistics claiming 22 veterans commit suicide a day. This viral tactic did indeed help spread awareness as it brought him onto various talk shows and news segments across the country.
But of course Chef Rush is also a bodybuilding enthusiast and was more than willing to speak about trending topics in the bodybuilding world. We asked him his thoughts on the current state of bodybuilding – is it regressing? Is it fair to compare to past eras?
Chef Rush also touches base on topics such as transgender powerlifting athletes, Brandon Curry’s win at the Olympia 2019, and also shares his nutrition expertise to explain whether or not bodybuilders can indulge in the occasional alcoholic beverage.
Check the full interview with Chef Rush in our GI Exclusive above![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”⅙″][/vc_column][/vc_row]