Chris Aceto pays tribute to Luke Sandoe.
One of the top gurus in bodybuilding, Chris Aceto doesn’t just talk the talk, he’s walked the the walk. With his own experience in bodybuilding and competing, Aceto has acquired immense knowledge in helping bodybuilders prepare for shows.
Throughout his many years as a coach, Chris Aceto has worked with some of the best bodybuilders in the game. One such competitor was four-time Olympia champion Jay Cutler. There’s no doubt that Aceto helped greatly in getting the former champ into impressive condition.
Another bodybuilder Chris Aceto worked with was the late Luke Sandoe.
A true phenom with tons of potential, Luke Sandoe had the makings of a future champion. His passing came as a real shock to the bodybuilding community and he is sorely missed.
In a recent Q&A, when asked about Luke Sandoe and his potential, Chris Aceto had this to say.
If you look at the before picture and after picture of me working with him for less than two years, he probably would have won an Olympia within one to three years.”
That is truly high praise indeed. Chris Aceto has worked with champions in the past, so it’s safe to say he has the eye for this sort of thing. While death at any time can be tragic, it really hits hard that such a young competitor not even in his prime passed away so suddenly.
From the same Q&A Chris Aceto also touched on Brandon Curry and the criticism he’s received since winning the Olympia.
“The only reason Brandon got criticized frankly is because Shawn and Phil were not there.
“People want to see him against a previous Mr. Olympia.”
You can see the full video below.
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.