Clean Bulk or Dirty Bulk?
THIS OR THAT WITH JESSENIA VICE – takes two highly debated fitness topics and compares them to determine the best solution for maximizing your bodybuilding lifestyle. The best part? We let you decide the winner to be announced by Jessenia the following week. We raise the facts, you choose the champion. New episodes every Thursday!
Bulking and cutting is a major part of bodybuilding – but what kind of bulk should you be doing? There are basically two major categories of bulking: clean bulk and dirty bulk. Clean bulking is when you have a surplus of less than 500 calories. Dirty bulking is when you have a surplus of over 500 calories. One helps you bulk slower (but healthier) and the other lets you bulk faster. Both have their benefits – but which one is best? Jessenia Vice breaks down both and then YOU decide which one is best by voting in the YouTube comments. Watch the episode above!