Built for show, or built to go?
With the Messiah of MMA ratings making his resurrection this weekend, it’s hard to know what’s what. In the wake of larger than life heavyweight Brock Lesnar announcing his return to UFC 200, the fighting world has gone into absolute pandemonium. From one of MMA’s lead journalist getting kicked out and fired from the UFC organization to damaging relations between Lesnar and his home country (WWE), The viking’s return has been widely felt to say the least. With so much buzz around the spectacle that is Brock Lesnar, it’s hard to see him for what he really is. A fighter. Ultimately, no matter how much love or hate you have towards Brock and his high profile matchups, he has to get in a cage and fight another man that is named Mark Hunt…that’s no easy task. So we brought in an mma heavy hitter to give us the real breakdown. Former welterweight Dan Hardy gives us a blow by blow breakdown of exactly what Brock Lesnar brings to the UFC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns2f2EWHQPI Wrestling Let’s face it. Brock Lesnar can wrestle his ass off. With a 6’3″ 300 lb frame, he’s a force to be reckoned with, especially with his top game, just ask Shane Carwin. The question is can he get the crafty samoan to the ground? Whether he gets him there or not, either way this will probably the tell tale portion of the fight. Speed Remember when you were a kid and you always thought the big guys had strength but little guys had speed? And then you met that one big kid that could outrun all the little guys, well that big kid grew up to be Brock Lesnar. They should call him Crock Lesnar, because like the legendary reptile, he’s faster and more explosive than you give him credit for. This could be the difference in the takedowns. Mentality Say what you want about Brock Lesnar, he’s got the mentality of a warrior. They don’t compare him to a viking for nothing. This guy goes in with the mentality to kill anything that stand in his way, even if it’s the ref. A guy who can come back from having half of his intestines removed and still want to “give it another go” is not somebody who will go down easy.