Danny Hester shares more stories from training wild celebrities like Charlies Sheen and Mickey Rourke.

Charlie Sheen and Mickey Rourke are actors who are both known for their wild personalities off set. Everyone remembers Sheen’s “winning” and “tiger blood” statements that eventually led to an insane national tour. Mickey Rourke, on the other hand, had a rollercoaster of a career switching between acting, pro boxing, and back to acting again. Danny Hester is a bodybuilder who has trained both of these actors in the past – and got to spend some time as social events with them as well. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Danny Hester shares the best stories of training and partying with Charlie Sheen and Mickey Rourke.

In our previous interview segment with Danny Hester, he talked about training Jean-Cluade Van Damme and what it was like to spar with him and also attend some of his parties. Hester is a bodybuilder who has grown an ongoing connection to the world of Hollywood due to his reputation as a trainer for celebrities.

After telling some interesting stories about his time with Van Damme, we asked Danny Hester what other notable celebrities he had trained and which ones trained the hardest. The first name that came to mind, surprisingly, was Charlie Sheen. He recounts when he helped Sheen get into shape for Hot shots! and shares some fun stories about attending parties at Sheen’s house.

Danny Hester also describes what it was like to train Mickey Rourke (who also narrated the original Generation Iron film). Rourke is an actor with a deep appreciation for bodybuilding beyond preparing for a role. Hester recounts how refreshing it was to train with Mickey Rourke to do this dedication to the sport – and how much he respects bodybuilders for their craft.

The subject of the partying lifestyle also comes up in general during the interview. Vlad asks Danny Hester if it’s possible for serious athletes to party like celebrities and still keep in shape. Hester laughs and responds yes – he’s living proof that it’s possible. The key is to know when to stop and not get too swept up. He avoids the “after parties after the parties” and makes sure that he can always keep his fitness schedule on point.

You can watch Danny Hester share all of his best stories of training Charlie Sheen and Mickey Rourke in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

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