Dr. O’Connor states that Tony Huge’s studies and claims are ludicrous. Calls Tony a buffoon.
Watch this exclusive clip from Enhanced 2 The Max – available on all major digital platforms January 31, 2020. Pre-order your digital copy today right here. In this clip, Tony Huge makes an astonishing claim that in the not too distant future steroids will be able to build muscle without training. A steroid expert medical doctor disagrees.
Tony Huge has long since made astonishing claims that have come from his research and experiments. He believes that steroids and performance enhancing drugs are not only safe but the key to human evolution. He also believes that his experiments prove that in the future, PEDs will be able to build muscle without a person even having to train. Of course, the validity of these experiments are under question. Tony Huge has to conduct his experiments off the legal grid – so are his studies performed to the standards of real scientific experiments?
Medical doctor and steroid expert Dr. Thomas O’Connor believes that everything about Tony Huge’s experiments are foolish and completely incorrect. He thinks that there is no way Tony’s studies can be accurate on the level real research is conducted. He also thinks that Tony’s methods will either kill himself, one of his volunteers, or an innocent fan who consumes his potential misinformation.
In our latest Enhanced 2 The Max clip, Dr. O’Connor reacts directly to one of Tony Huge’s biggest claims – that the future of steroids and PEDs will require a user to not train at all and still gain muscle. Dr. O’Connor can barely hold back laughter as he slams Tony Huge for his claims and calls him “ludicrous” and a “buffoon.” You can check it out yourself in the clip above!
Enhanced 2 The Max will be available on all major digital platforms on January 31, 2020. You can pre-order today by clicking here or the banner below.