One incredible vacuum!
Bringing something new to the table can be essential to standing out in bodybuilding. Just having quality muscle and size can certainly turn heads, but if you really want to impress, another element should be added to your game in hopes of making an impression. For many bodybuilders, particularly those who are old school minded, the vacuum is the key to standing out in the modern era bodybuilding.
The greats of the past all excelled at the vacuum, believing it to be an essential part of their game. Arnold Schwarzenegger himself was known for striking this pose to great effect. But in the modern era so many bodybuilders have gotten away from vacuuming that its now become a major asset in ones game.
Doing a great vacuum requires a ton of core and diaphragm control. If one can completely control their core then performing an otherworldly vacuum is easy. Take a look at this amazing vacuum by Ozan Kilic who demonstrates some incredible diaphragm control.
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