An alternate world where Flex Wheeler was an MMA fighter.

FLEX ON ‘EM – is a weekly show starring Flex Wheeler as he digs deep into the biggest and most controversial topics in the bodybuilding industry. He will also give his expert insight for the most recent bodybuilding news, updates, and events. Flexin’ his decades of experience for enlightening conversation and must-see info.

Many know Flex Wheeler as a legendary bodybuilder who never got his due with a Mr. Olympia win. You also all know about his comeback to the Olympia stage later this year. But what some might not know is that Flex Wheeler started out training in martial arts before going full time into bodybuilding. Not only that he seems to love the art of fighting and training much more than bodybuilding itself. Even going as far as saying he would have become a full time fighter if MMA was as popular as it is today. Hear Flex talk about his thoughts on the Floyd Mayweather vs Conor McGregor fight, his past martial arts training, and whether or not he thinks one could decide the greatest athlete in the world.

GI Team
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