Florida teacher transforms her body through bodybuilding.
Terri Nicole, a 26 year old teacher from Florida, endured a turbulent childhood- raised by babysitters and random caregivers without a stable home. She told Daily Mail:
“I grew up with a lot of adoption and bouncing around from house to house. I didn’t have the best childhood, but I feel like that helped me become successful as an adult.”
Such an upbringing left Terri with bad eating habits, but in adolescence they did not manifest themselves obviously.
“I never weighed more than one-hundred-pounds and never was athletic or made healthy choices. I was just naturally small.”
In college, things took a turn for the worst. Terri began binging on junk food like fast food, vending machine snacks, and soda, which ballooned her up to 147 pounds.
“I saw Christmas photos that were taken with my siblings and I was embarrassed. I was huge. Knowing these were the photos that was going to be sent to my family made me realize I had to make a change.”
She said that event marked a breakthrough moment in her life.
“I woke up and decided to stop drinking soda and start drinking water. I quit binge eating junk food and candy and began eating healthier. I also got my first gym membership.”
Terri saw quick results, dropping weight fast, but wanted to take it a step further. Bodybuilding had always piqued her interest, but seemed out of reach.
“Over the summer of 2017, I tried really hard, but I kept failing as life would get in the way and needed someone to hold me accountable. So, I got a coach to help me with my posing and nutrition as it is a lot more than just ‘eating healthy.”
Terri competed in her first regional show last month and took third. She will do another show in May and yet another in June. At her lightest she has weighed 89 pounds.
“I’m not sure what I will do after these two shows or what the future holds but I love eating healthy, lifting weights and everything about prepping for a show while giving it one-hundred-and-ten percent. It’s something I am very passionate about.”
Terri said that the drastic lifestyle change was not always easy. She endured ridicule and even lost several friends. But now it has all been worth it.
“I am happier. I feel good in my skin and am no longer self-conscious and love that I can inspire and help others.”
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