Floyd Mayweather makes a commendable gesture.
The senseless killing of George Floyd has sparked an uproar all over the world. After being handcuffed, forced face down on the pavement, George Floyd was killed by having a knee forced down on his neck for nearly nine minutes by police officer Derek Chauvin.
Now citizens across the country are in a uproar. Some are marching for justice for George Floyd, others are marching against corruption, and others have their own personal agendas. No matter the reason, people are taking to the streets and George Floyd is the spark that has set off these demonstrations.
Everyone has responded in their own way to the death of George Floyd. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Dwayne Johnson posted messages of solidarity. Now it appears that boxing great Floyd Mayweather is looking to do his part.
Floyd Mayweather has gone on record stating that he will be willing to pay for the funeral for George Floyd. Below is a picture of the check written out for the funeral services of George Floyd.
This gesture by Floyd Mayweather is commendable. At the height of all this pain and discord it’s always good to see someone playing a positive role in these sad and dark times.
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.
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