See the Bev Francis Powerhouse Gym like never before!
To many, the Bev Francis Powerhouse Gym is considered to be the East Coast Mecca of bodybuilding – and for good reason. It has been a training ground for upcoming stars and already proven champions alike. It’s a hardcore gym run by people who are passionate and know the business inside and out. And now you can get an inside look at the lives of Steve Weinberger, Bev Francis and all of the super star bodybuilders that call the East Coast Mecca home.
Premiering on Tuesday, June 30th – get ready to see The East Coast Mecca like never before with our docu-drama mini series: East Coast Mecca. Starring gym owners and legends Steve Weinberger & Bev Francis along side bodybuilding superstars Kai Greene, Shawn Rhoden, Flex Lewis, Juan Morel, and Evan Centopani. Get pumped with our official teaser above!
Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you can get updates on all things related to our new show East Coast Mecca. Stay pumped.