Islamabad Mayor Dedicates New Sport Facilities To Bodybuilder

This bodybuilder has been given a major honor.

Islamabad Mayor and Chairman of the Capital Development Authority (CDA), Sheikh Anser Aziz, said Friday that Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad (MCI) will provide state of the art facilities to the emerging sportsmen in Pakistan’s capital city of Islamabad, according to PakistanToday.

The announcement was made while Anser awarded a shield to professional bodybuilder Ausaf Yaqoob, who won two gold medals in Asian Bodybuilding Championship held in Singapore.

The occasion was also attended by other important elected officials, including Union Council I-9 Chairman Sardar Mehtab, Union Council G-8 Chairman Raja Waheedul Hassan, representatives of traders of G-9 Karachi Company.

Anser also told the story of Ausaf Yaqoob, who was an employee of the Karachi Company and adopted the practice of bodybuilding on his own. He won the title of Mr Islamabad and two gold medals at the prestigious Asian Bodybuilding Championship held at Singapore. The Asian Championship drew the participation of around 60 contestants hailing from all across Asia.

The CDA chairman declared that this achievement was proof that the youth in the federal capital possessed massive talent. On account of that, the MCI would take all possible steps to promote the development of sport, including bodybuilding, amongst the local citizens.

In order to promote and practice different sports like bodybuilding, Anser said that proper facilities are required. He announced that the MCI, in collaboration with agents in the private sector, would provide both new facilities and renovations to existing facilities, for the purpose of improving the opportunities of interested youth in the capitol of Islamabad.

This initiative is part of a larger effort to improve youth infrastructure, including the construction of libraries and recreation areas. The local elected representatives of different union councils will be pursuing these projects in coming months.

Although the projects are by no means bodybuilding specific, it is noteworthy that the achievements of a local bodybuilder served as the spark. With the blossoming of Middle Eastern competitors, this event is just one in a series that could create a change in the cultural and competitive fitness landscape.

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