Looks like you don’t need heavyweight to be jacked like Superman.
Lifting heavy has a great deal of benefits. For one you can build a massive amount of muscle with heavy weights. Secondly, heavy weight training, particularly compound movements, can improve your functional strength in the big three exercises, bench press, squat, and deadlift. But that doesn’t mean that a bodybuilder should be confined solely to heavy weights. In fact, it possible to build an extremely aesthetic physique without having to resort to lifting heavy.
If you’re looking to do split training and hit every muscle in your body, then choosing to lift lighter weight can definitely be a benefit to your gains. One of the most popular and fit actors in the game today agrees with that sentiment wholeheartedly.
Henry Cavill, the man to most recently play Superman in the DCEU films, is showing the masses that lifting lightweight can be all you need to really build an incredible looking physique.
While filming the upcoming Netflix series The Witcher, Henry cavil utilized lighter weights to get himself in top physical form to play the lead role of Geralt of Rivia. Sure, he may not be as swole as he was when he played Superman, but Henry Cavill is still maintaining a jacked and shredded physique with lifting light weight.
The Instagram post below shows Henry Cavill in top form as well as a message from the actor himself on his thoughts on lifting and staying in shape.
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