The Injury Bug Strikes Again As Jon Skywalker Tears Bicep

Jon Skywalker has fallen victim to the injury bug.

It appears the bicep tearing curse is rearing its ugly head once again as another popular bodybuilding athlete has suffered a horrible injury. It seems that during this off season more and more bodybuilders are injuring themselves at an unprecedented rate. Whether through reckless acts of training or purely accidental, it seems that this generation of athletes can’t seem to avoid injury. Now Jon Skywalker can add his name to the list.

While Jon Skywalker may not be tearing up the Olympia stage, he has gained a great deal of popularity over the last few years. As an Instagram fitness model, Skywalker has established himself as an independent brand. Shredded to the bone, you can bet Skywalker has put a considerable amount of time in the gym to build his lean physique.

But it appears as if the young fitness model will have to put his ambitions on hold for a time as a bicep tear is nothing to scoff at. Take a look at the video below where Jon Skywalker showcases his injury for all to see.

What do you think of Jon Skywalker and all the injuries that have been occurring in bodybuilding lately?

Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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