Kai Greene Answers: Should Younger Bodybuilders Use Steroids?

Is steroid use the only way to get massive gains?

When it comes to bodybuilding there are so many individuals out there that have an idol, a figure they looked up to, someone who informs their thoughts and opinions. Much like any other endeavor, whether it be bodybuilding, training in martial arts, or starting a business, an individual is going to look to those who came before them for inspiration. These inspirational figures work as a road map, an image of success in the exact venture that wide eyed and impressionable individual wishes to excel in. For many aspiring bodybuilders the pros of both the past and the present are figures that they look to for advise and inspiration. Kai Greene fits that bill for many who wish to gain a massive physique.

Professional bodybuilders like Kai Greene have reached new heights in terms of building massive muscle and size. For the average Joe it’s a tough task to be able to make those same kind of gains without a specific guideline. For many of the uninformed that means researching whatever they can find on the internet. Those same individuals may run into the same answer every time, one that may possibly be true, but still uninformed nonetheless. Training hard, eating right, and supplementing correctly. For many of the uneducated that last bit means using substances like steroids.

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So many new bodybuilders are convinced that using steroids is the only way to look like a Kai Greene that they purchase anabolic substances, inject or consume it, and sit back and wait for the gains to fall into their laps. Unfortunately for these hopeful, impressionable, and uninformed individuals that road will lead them nowhere. Though many bodybuilders take steroids it doesn’t change the fact that the real way to make quality gains is through hard training and a strict diet plan. But what do the professionals think about steroid use? That’s the question that many people want answered. Kai Greene is more than willing to provide his opinion on whether or not steroid use is the answer to making major gains.


What do you think is better, natural or geared up bodybuilding?

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