Kamal Elgargni analyzes the top Men’s 212 Olympia competitors looking to take him down.
Kamal Elgargni is now in a unique position that all champions eventually face. He now has to defend his Men’s 212 Olympia title rather than climb the ladder to win it. Of course, every competition is a hard fought battle whether you are a returning champion or not. Mentally though, it’s a different game with the spotlight on you in a new way.
Kamal is now the champ and the other competitors are now the hungry athletes looking to defeat him. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Kamal Elgargni breaks down the top athletes who will be his biggest threats to the Olympia 2020 title.
For the past decade, majority of the Men’s 212 Olympia titles have gone to Flex Lewis. Due to this, an element of surprise often disappeared from that division. While each year it was never guaranteed that Flex would win – he was always near perfect in his physique. Many fans simply expected Flex to win again and again.
Now we are in a different landscape for the first time in quite a while for Men’s 212. Kamal Elgargni proved himself worthy of the title last year. It was his first time winning the Olympia. Can he do it again?
The Men’s 212 Olympia 2020 will be either the first step towards a reigning run for Kamal Elgargni or the moment he becomes a one-time winner. Every single qualified bodybuilder is hungry to take him down. Will they succeed?
Of course Kamal is confident in his own ability. He needs to be in order to maintain champion status. But he’s not ignorant either. He knows that others are looking to defeat him and that hunger can go a long way.
We asked Kamal Elgargni who he thought were his biggest threats to the title. Only two names came up – Derek Lunsford and Shaun Clarida. Lunsford in particular had been a name pushed by many fans to possibly topple Kamal off his throne. While Kamal fully acknowledges that these athletes are his biggest threat – he’s confident that they won’t be able to outdo him this year.
He tries to avoid sounding cocky, but Kamal Elgargni believes that it takes something truly special and blessed to be an Olympia champion. It’s vastly different than any other bodybuilding competition. While both Lunsford and Clarida have had great success – he simply doesn’t believe they are up to task yet to take him down.
These are strong words and if Kamal presents a physique like last year he will have the action to back it up. But until we see the others stand by his side on stage – we must simply wait and see.
Also in this interview clip: Kamal discusses in great detail the talent coming out of Kuwait and also why he left Qatar to live in the United States.
You can watch Kamal Elgargni’s full comments in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above.