This diet plan will have you shedding those love handles and packing on lean mass in no time.
We all know the rule of thumb as bodybuilders. Your diet should consist of a number of balanced nutrients. By following a strict macro nutrient diet consisting of a large amount of carbohydrates, a lesser amount of protein, and an even lesser amount of fat, a bodybuilder can build muscle while at the same time burning fat. But what if you simply want to rid yourself of stubborn body fat? Is following the usual macro nutrient diet enough?
For those out there interested in a different diet program, then the keto diet is something to look into. The overall idea of the process is fairly simple. The idea is to put your body in a state of ketosis in which the body burns ketones or fat as fuel as opposed to carbohydrates which many athletes rely on as their source of energy for a workout. By keeping your carb consumption under 50 grams per day then it will allow your body to go into the “keto zone” so to speak. The great part of the diet is that after a long week of carb restriction it makes carb loading on one day out of the weekend a true joy. We have a list of fats and proteins that you can add to your diet to put you into the keto zone.
This healthy fat has doesn’t just have countless nutritional benefits, but tastes pretty damn good to boot. It’s a great fat loaded with monounsaturated fatty acids as well as great fiber content. It’ll help you to burn fat with general ease.