Kevin Levrone Injury Before Olympia Generation Iron

What could have been…

Kevin Levrone competed this year at Mr. Olympia and looking stunning at 52. The 25 year vet battled back from all the negativity and naysayers to put on an impressive show with an impressive physique. However, it was close but no cigar for the 4x runner up as his showing was more of a congratulator affair than a competition.

But why? Why did the mental giant who inspires us to be better men and women as well as lifters not break the top ten? While no one can say for sure, we think it’s funny that the same critiques the fans and experts had before the show were the same exact things he injured 8 weeks out of competition.

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Levrone legs

Anyone who knows Levrone from his heyday knows his legs were never lacking. The freak athlete was a full body powerhouse who was only kept from the title by his other worldly competition (Ronnie Coleman, Dorian Yates), so why in this year’s showing did his legs not look up to par? while aging is a real thing, one can’t help but ask the question as whether injury played a part.

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Levrone pecs

Pecs were another issue in which Levrone was lacking. While he’ never had the biggest pecs in the world, this year’s showing was a far cry from Levrone’s best, and the lack in size was evident against the competition. With upper body probably being the most pivotal piece of the competition, not being able to train chest is a real disadvantage.

Check out the video for Levrone in hospital bed for the injuries he occurred 8 weeks out from competition.

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At the end of the day, this is all speculation. Phil Heath took the title for the 6th consecutive time and whether you love him or hate him, he deserved it. But one can’t help but wonder what could’ve been. Will Levrone perhaps comeback next year to really settle the score? Only time will tell, but as for me I’m starting a campaign for #Levrone2017… you down?

Hit us up below and tell us what you think? Would a healthy Kevin Levrone have made a difference, or is this all just wishful thinking?


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