Epic Video Of Powerlifter Larry Wheels Lifting Until He Bleeds (Graphic)

Larry Wheels is an intense lifter.

Intensity. When you’re planning to lift upwards of two hundred pounds you’ll need to have a certain amount of intensity. Bodybuilding requires a certain level of intensity to be able to power through a routine. For a powerlifter it’s an entirely different story. To be able to bench, deadlift, and squat hundreds of pounds, you better get your intensity levels up in order to avoid being crushed under the weight. It’s something every powerlifter understands including the up and coming Larry ‘Wheels’ Williams.

A true monster on the powerlifting circuit, Larry Wheels is quickly becoming the hot commodity on the scene. With the power of an experienced powerlifter and the physique of a bodybuilder, Larry Wheels looks like he came straight out of a comic book. But at the end of the day, powerlifting isn’t about looks but rather results. If you’re not building strength as a powerlifter then you aren’t doing your job. It something the young up and comer understands well.

Training in the gym means increasing skill and strength. If you’re hoping to compete seriously on the powerlifting circuit then you have to have the mentality of constantly improving, much like a bodybuilder. You can set personal records at a powerlifting meet but you don’t want to wait so long to actually set those records. Instead, you want to try and set personal records in the gym, which means being prepared to push yourself to the limit. That means having a tremendous amount of intensity. Larry Wheels lifts with extreme intensity, so much in fact that he’s willing to destroy himself to get to the next level.

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