IFBB Hall of Famer Lee Labrada shared some tips on mental and physical health with fans today.
Maintaining your health during quarantine can be challenging. However, true fitness is about more than just having the biggest muscles — it’s about maintaining the balance between body and mind. Lee Labrada shared a video with fans over Instagram today to help combat the surge in emotional or stress-related overeating that people may be doing in quarantine. You can check out the video in full below.
“Does stress and boredom have you getting into emotional over eating? Emotional over eating is when you eat more than you should or eat the wrong things in response to stress or boredom. Here are some ideas on how you can cope,” he captioned the video.
The basic advice he offers is this: in stress situations, we are faced with three things: a trigger, a feeling, and an action. For people whose routines have been disturbed, simple things, like walking by the fridge more being at home, can trigger food cravings of all kinds. So, the most important thing to do here isn’t to avoid food or punish yourself for eating or anything like that; just do your best to avoid things that might trigger you into unhealthy eating patterns and gaining weight.
*All images and media courtesy of Instagram.