Arnold Scgwarzenegger says no more meat?!
For many bodybuilders and athletes eating meat has always been one of the keys to making major gains. To this day, many athletes eat a considerable amount of meat thinking that they’re avoiding catabolism and building solid muscle.
wonder why people want to know if the plant can aid in there bodybuilding pursuits.
But a new film produced by the man many consider to be the greatest bodybuilder of all-time, none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger himself, are suggesting that a plant-based diet is the key to longevity and amazing life long performance.
The Game Changers features some of the most talented athletes on the planet, some of which have fully plant-based diets, discussing the benefits of leaving meat in the rear view mirror. Catch a glimpse of what this new documentary has to offer as Arnold Schwarzenegger and a legion of talented athletes advocate for a plant-based lifestyle.
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to keep up with his antics.