Mike Rashid talks losing weight, eating healthier, and the underestimated health issues the food we eat causes.
IRON CINEMA – Every Friday we connect you with Generation Iron director Vlad Yudin as he sits down for an exclusive long form interview with the industry’s most vital members – including athletes, trainers, and experts.
Mike Rashid had quite the past year. He had his name dragged through the mud after a raid on his Miami Iron Addict Gym (that had nothing to do with him), he changed up his diet and his physique, and most recently – he became a pro boxer and won his first match. Vlad Yudin caught up with Rashid just hours before his pro boxing match debut to catch up about the fallout and aftermath of the Iron Addicts scandal and how his life has changed since.
They also discuss the major lifestyle change Rashid made in his diet – and how one of the biggest killers in our society is the food we eat. A blood test result opened Rashid’s eyes and made him make some major changes. Some of which go against what most bodybuilders expect to keep a massive and shredded physique – but as Mike Rashid proves, it’s not necessary to still be successful in the fitness world. Check out the full Iron Cinema interview above!