Mikhail Shivlyakov Breaks Masters World Record Deadlift, Bleeds From The Effort

Mikhail Shivlyakov shows insane strength.

There’s risk and reward in every venture. In strength sports you have to risk injury and long lasting damage in order to achieve incredible results. For a strongman competitor, taking your strength to the next level can mean breaking yourself along the way.

For Russia’s Strongest Man, it’s just a small price to pay to attain greatness.

Mikhail Shivlyakov is no stranger to achieving greatness. With impressive showings at past Arnold Strongman Classics, Mikhail Shivlyakov has proven himself to be an absolute powerhouse.

Looking to make history, recently Mikhail Shivlyakov broke the Masters Record for heaviest deadlift at 436kg (961lbs). During the lift, Shivlyakov bled from his nose, showing just how much effort it took to complete the task.

“My Friends, I did it! Yesterday I set the masters Deadlift World Record! My large and reliable team, without you I would not have achieved this result! In my opinion, history should be written not in words, but in actions. And I try to follow it.”


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Друзья, я сделал это! Вчера преодолел себя и стал рекордсменом в «Становой тяге» в категории мастеров! ⠀ Во-первых, хочу поблагодарить людей, без которых этот рекорд не состоялся бы. Спасибо моему работодателю – компании «СТБ-Охрана», сети фитнес-центров FLEX GYM @flexgymomsk , компании Yamaguchi @yamaguchi.ru и проекту «Сильнейшая нация мира» @world_strongest_nation Отдельная благодарность ассистентам, съемочной группе телеканала «Продвижение» @protvinfo @omskzdes и спортзалу «Сила Сибири» @_sila_sibiri_ Вместе мы – одна большая команда! ⠀ Во время тяги я думал о дочке, семье, вспомнил службу в армии – всю жизнь, все, что имеет для меня смысл. Ваша поддержка дала мне силы, и я добился поставленной цели. Мое мнение, историю нужно писать не словами, а делами. И я стараюсь следовать этому?? ⠀ My Friends, I did it! Yesterday I set the masters Deadlift World Record! ⠀ My large and reliable team, without you I would not have achieved this result! ⠀ In my opinion, history should be written not in words, but in actions. And I try to follow it?? #россия#сибирь#омск#стбохрана#СиловойЭкстрим#powerlifting#SiberianForce#MikhailShivlyakov#Шивляков#Strongman#становаятяга#deadlift #сильнейшаянациямира#телеканалпродвижение#омскздесь

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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Jonathan Salmon
Managing editor of Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. He has been writing about bodybuilding, combat sports, and strength sports for over 8 years. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.