“I do it for you guys; I don’t do it for myself.”
Phil Heath took a few minutes to record a video with Flex Online while he was just five weeks out until Olympia and opened up about his mindset while being so close to the big competition.
He explains all of this in the gym right after a workout – and he feels right at home. You can practically feel the euphoric rush as he releases every word. He is even still out of breath – running on the high from pumping some major iron.
But the best part is getting to hear him talk at length about his mentality right before the competition. He quickly exclaims that this period of time is the fun part. It’s the part where you get better or worse. A stressful time that separates the men from the boys.
He claims this to be a time when many people start to complain – but not Phil, he just keeps his million dollar smile and explains what best motivates him is the fun he has at the gym. But more importantly, the fun he has interacting with the fans. Whether they root for him or for another competitor – they are ultimately rooting for bodybuilding. And that couldn’t motivate him more.
He also shares some pearls of wisdom:
On motivation – “They wish, they wish, they wish. Screw that man; it’s time to go do it.”
On mentors and inspiration – “I encourage each and every one of you to surround yourself with people who are as good, if not better, than you are. Because you’re going to learn a lot.”
On the state of bodybuilding – “People used to say [bodybuilding] is dead. People still say it’s dead. But it’s not. It’s going on NBC Sports.”
Phil tops things off on a very personal note. He briefly talks about how his father passed away this past March – and how every time he takes the stage he represents his father’s legacy – how he is proud and honored to be able to do that for him. People go through hardships Phil stresses that it’s all about the journey. It’s not about what has happened – it’s about what will happen. Believe in yourself.
And Phil Heath needs to believe in himself right now. At five weeks out – you can’t have doubts. You must believe in your workout, your diet, ever detail. A champion needs to believe in himself in order to win.
You can check out the full video by visiting Flex Online. And don’t forget to keep checking back to our Road to Olympia page where we will keep updating you with all news and hype regarding the 50th Mr. Olympia competition. Stay pumped.