Murat Demir is looking to make his last run.
At age 43, Murat Demir, is known throughout his home nation of Germany as an elite bodybuilder. He has twice won the title of “Mister Universe” in his class, along with other notable achievements. He balances his career as a bodybuilder and trainer, with famous clients including former Werder goalkeeper Tim Wiese.
He spoke with a local newspaper Weser Kurier about his life and achievements:
“My hobby has become my profession, that’s great. It’s my childhood dream, I wanted to be like my heroes. They were fascinating, charismatic and self-confident. I thought, if I have muscles like that, then I can help others.”
Even at the age of 12, Murat wanted to have an elite physique but, he says:
“I was too young for the gym in Delmenhorst. I was not accepted there back then.”
So he took up judo, and kept his eyes on bodybuilding for four years until he was allowed to train with the adults.
Even then, his family was not always comfortable with his extreme habits:
“They did not want to accept it because it was not normal. Before competitions, my face had drawn in from my diet and they thought I was sick.”
Years later of course, his family could not be more proud
Demir works out twice a day and eats five times a day. He says coaching gives him immense pleasure, even if it’s not intense.
“Often I’m more of a consultant or even a friend.”
He has also been pursuing a larger presence on social media, but says he is resistant to all the artifice that goes into it:
“You have to look for a suitable place, you need different clothes, the point of view has to be right. That takes longer, and you can not always book a photographer. That’s too expensive.”
He see’s coaching as his future after retirement from pro-bodybuilding.
“For men, this goes on until the end of 40. But exceptions confirm the rule: We have a 94-year-old in the studio, who has a murder-handshake.”
Demir has one more wish: He wants to take the stage at Mr Olympia after failing to qualify twice:
“In the end, I do not see it as doggedly anymore.”
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