Nick Diaz Pot

“…but then I got high”

Nick diaz is no stranger to controversy.  His blunt, honest, and straight to the point personality has earned him acclaim from the fans and headaches for Dana White. His most recent headache involved Nick Diaz getting busted for pot use – being his third offense the Nevada State Athletic Commision decided to throw the book at him and give him a potential career ban of ten years. Diaz thought it was a set up.

“I knew that if I was tested, I’d come up under 15 nanograms—which I did. I knew I wasn’t going to come up over 100 nanograms, which was their level. Then I was tested five days later and came back seven times higher. They’re full of shit. Whatever happened is bullshit: I never got tested that many times—at least five times from when I got to Vegas, before the fight and after.” -Nick Diaz

But with support of the public as well as many notable fighters such as Ronda Rousey. the ban was eventually reduced to just a year and half – leaving Diaz eligible to fight as early as this August. When asked about his drug use by High Times and how the suspension has changed his life, this is what Diaz had to say.

“What am I gonna do? As far as being suspended, I have to fight, you know what I mean? The ups and downs of life, they’re going to come; I’m just kind of along for the ride. Life chose me. The upside is, I might not have to fight. A lot of these guys in the MMA and all other fighters out there will say they love to fight. I’m going to tell you all that I’m a nonviolent person—I’m not somebody who loves to fight. I fight because I have to. If there was any quit in me, I never would have made it this far. So it’s kind of hard. It’s kind of a curse.” “If I’m at home and I’m training—doing my same things every day—then I’m definitely going to want to use cannabis. It’s gonna help. I’m trying to stay focused on what I’m doing. I don’t want a whole lot of things going on—people to call back, or text messages or whatever. I chill out, relax a little bit, and then I don’t have those issues. If I’m going to train all day, when I get done, I’m gonna want to smoke. If I have to go and train all day, before I go, I’m gonna want to smoke. If I wake up in the morning and feel beat to shit, and it’s going to take me forever to wake up, I smoke some weed and I wake right up. Then I have breakfast and I go do a workout.”

So will Nick Diaz put away the bong? From the statements above it doesn’t look like it. But who knows, maybe he’ll find a way to make it manageable and pass the drug test. We’re sure they’re other fighters who took up every once in a little. Maybe Diaz should take a page out of there book?  

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