The biography, life, and accomplishments of Oksana Rykova

Oksana Rykova
Photo via @oksana-rykova Instagram

Oksana Rykova is a fitness model and Internet star known for her incredibly toned and sculpted physique. A large following on social media gives her an outlet to promote herself and share advice to her followers.

Below is a complete breakdown of Oksana Rykova’s profile, stats, biography, training and diet regimens.

Full Name: Oksana Rykova

Weight Height Date Of Birth
125-135 lbs. 5’10” 05/13/1998
Profession Era Nationality
Fitness Model, Entrepreneur 2010 Canadian


Oksana Rykova
Photo via @oksana-rykova Instagram


Oksana Rykova’s life is very much kept private, especially her early years. Her modeling career and social media fame occurred after she began to post photos online. From this, people would reach out for advice on how they too could get a physique like her. What Oksana did was take advantage of this, in a positive way, and with a desire to help others and her knowledge of health and fitness, she began drawing up plans and sharing her advice with them.

With a large following on social media, Oksana is able to live out her dream and stay healthy while continuing to sculpt and tone her amazing physique. She does all this while continuing to share her knowledge with others.


Oksana is one to constantly change up her routines to avoid boredom, as well as create muscle confusion. By doing so, she always sees progress and never plateaus. Working with around a 5-6 day training plan, she will diversify her workouts and give herself a solid routine to stick to year round.

Oksana Rykova
Photo via @oksana-rykova Instagram


For someone like Oksana, her diet is absolutely imperative. Sticking to only the healthiest and most nutritious foods, she will prioritize those macronutrients including protein, carbs, and fats to give herself the best chance at seeing real results. She does have a cheat meal once in a while, but she finds that eating more clean limits how much she wants to snack on junk.


While Oksana uses her own supplements of choice, it is important to know which supplements out there can benefit you as you look to tone and shred like Oksana herself. A fat burner is the perfect product to use for this will work to burn stored fat, suppress your appetite and cravings, and kickstart your metabolism to burn more calories. A quality fat burner on your shelf will allow those gains to appear in no time.

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