Phil Heath is one of the most successful bodybuilding champions of all time.
Love him or hate him, Phil is attacking the all-time record for Olympia titles and is a shoe- in for the Hall Of Fame. He often shares thoughts and information over Youtube and recently put up a video in which he gives advice on goal-setting and achievement.
First, he says we have to confront our shortcomings head-on.
“Really what I try to do is focus on what I feel is lagging within my life.”
Next, he suggests writing down specific goals – 5 per month- that are concrete and attainable.
“What I do is basically write things down. I usually try to write down my top 5 things that I try to accomplish within the month. So based on those things, comes with some objectives. So for instance Januarys objective was to make sure that I visit more with my employees from gifted nutrition…I was able to do that. Was I successful? Yes. Can I do better?
Phil also recommends that viewers study other successful athletes and people in special positions to know about life – like terminal patients – to glean insights into their mindsets. He mentions Steve Jobs who, while one of the richest men in the world, would have traded energy for a few more days on earth before he died of pancreatic cancer.
Phil also said it’s important to be realistic about your goals and understand that “life happens.”
“Learn to manage your expectations wisely. You might think that its gonna take you 2 years before your business blows up or two years before you turn pro. And it takes you 5 years to turn pro. It doesn’t mean that you suck it just means that it took you a little bit longer. But it’s what you learned within that time period that matters.”
He further addressed the common accusations that he is ‘cocky.’
“I don’t care what people think. You know the other day I was watching Conor McGregor and he speaks about confidence and a lot of people get it confused with cockiness and arrogance. I kinda feel the same way. I get people who watch these videos and their like Phil Heath’s a jackass…and I’m like ‘Why? Cause I’m beating your favorite guy?’”
“When you’re setting those goals, be proud of those goals, and be willing to do the work. Say it to yourself ‘I’m gonna be better today.’”
You can watch the full video below.
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