Phil Heath had some words for Luimarco.

It’s safe to say that the 2017 Mr. Olympia competition wasn’t without it’s controversy. Phil Heath was once again crowned the Mr. Olympia winner to the frustration of many. A great deal of fans and pundits in attendance believed that Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay should have been crowned the winner, sparking the new biggest rivalry in modern bodybuilding. One of those individuals is internet bodybuilding personality Luimarco.

Luimarco has sung Big Ramy’s praises for quite some time and has criticized Phil Heath in the past. While there are differing opinions on who won the Olympia, Phil Heath himself went on Instagram Live to call out Luimarco to address the issue.

Do you think Phil Heath should have been Mr. Olympia?

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