Ray Williams Crushes The World Record With A 1053 Lbs Raw Squat!

Crazy strength!

When we hit the gym looking to build more strength we understand that we’re not going to list the craziest amount of weight, at least at the first go around. At least those who’ve shed themselves of ego. Others will look to push up more weight than they’re capable of. But building tremendous amounts of strength isn’t going to happen overnight. It won’t happen in a week or two or three. It’s a commitment that takes patience and dedication. So when Ray ‘Ray Ray’ Williams broke the world record for the squat, you realize how arduous his journey has been.

Interestingly enough, Ray Williams is a powerlifter who trains in a different manner than most other competitors in the sport. Before breaking the record for the squat, Williams trained in a manner that was completely unorthodox. Rather than training specifically in certain lifts, the powerlifter prefers to simply lift weights in no particular kind of system. This kind of carefree attitude has been what has carried Williams to the next level. But it wasn’t something done overnight. He’s taken the time to train for years before being able to push his body to the limit.

Ray Williams has his own motivation for lifting, specifically his family that adds to his enormous strength. Take a look a look at Ray Williams insane world record squat and see what time, patience, and dedication to consistent weightlifting can bring your strength to unspeakable levels.

What do you think of Ray Williams’ world record squat?

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