Powerlifting Champion Mark Bell Looks Jacked and Shredded for His First Bodybuilding Show

Mark Bell is looking absolutely jacked and shredded.

It seems that more and more athletes these days are willing to make transitions from one fitness endeavor to another. While in strength sports it’s not too uncommon to see powerlifters, strongmen, and bodybuilders switch between disciplines, it’s very rare to see championship caliber competitors make the leap.

These days making that leap has become much more common. From Stan Efferding to Larry Wheels and now Mark Bell, championship level powerlifters can’t seem to resist the notion of trying their hand at bodybuilding.

Mark Bell has put in a ton of work in powerlifting, gaining a great deal of accolades in the process. With his first bodybuilding competition approaching, Mark Bell looks to be in great condition, appearing absolutely jacked and shredded.

When I look in the mirror I’m not looking at myself. – I’m not taking random selfies to see “how jacked I am”. I’m looking at Mark Bell, I’m looking at a body of work, I’m looking at a thing. – It is now my job to improve this thing/machine in every possible way, every single day. – This isn’t about who you were this is about who you’ll become. Keep working, keep building and before you know it your dreams will have not only been fully realized but they’ll have already happened. – NEVER TRADE YOUR PASSION FOR GLORY. – NEVER LET GO OF THE THINGS THAT HURT YOU. PEOPLE OFTEN SAY PUT IT BEHIND YOU…. I SAY NO WAY. I’M TAKING A GIANT F*CK YOU AND I’M WEARING IT ON MY SHOULDER EVERYDAY AS A REMINDER. – YOU HAVE A LOT TO PROVE MARK. YOU HAVE NOT SHOWN PEOPLE YOUR TRUE POWER YET. YOU HAVEN’T DONE SHIT YET. SHOW THEM THAT YOU CAN HANG, YOU CAN DO THIS, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY SHOW YOURSELF THE CHANGES YOU CAN MAKE! – USE THE PAIN AND SCARS OF YESTERDAY AS AMMO TO ARM YOURSELF TO DESTROY YOUR GOALS TODAY! #thepeoplescoach #MarkSwollyBell

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Jacob Ladon
Jacob Ladon is a staff writer and former amateur bodybuilder. He has been passionate about bodybuilding since he was 15 years old and discovered the joys of training in the gym. He reports and comments on all bodybuilding related matters.