Everything you need to know about cutting and getting lean.
PROFESSOR SMALLS – brings the vast knowledge of pro bodybuilder and trainer Fred “Biggie” Smalls straight into your home. Covering everything from training, diet, and genetics on a pro level – this is the most comprehensive breakdown of all things bodybuilding to help you build the best physique of your life. Professor Smalls airs every Wednesday.
In an earlier episode of Professor Smalls – Fred “Biggie” Smalls explained all of the most important aspects about bulking like a pro bodybuilder. But what is equally as important is cutting down after you put on all that extra mass. Getting lean without losing muscle mass is a true challenge indeed – that’s why Fred is breaking down everything that pro bodybuilders do to perfect the art of the cut.
Fred breaks down not only training and diet options that you should consider to get lean – but also dives into the types of supplements you should take while cutting. Determine what is valuable and what is a waste of time – and most importantly – how to maximize your cut so that you bring in the most shredded physique possible without compromising size.
The straight answer is – there is no quick or easy secret. It takes hard work and suffering to achieve a pro bodybuilding level of shredded goodness. But knowing these key elements in every facet of bodybuilding training, diet, and lifestyle will be the building blocks to obtain the best shredded physique of your life. Check it out above!