Rob Kearney sets an American log press record.
Rob Kearney is one of the strongest human beings to walk the Earth. He’s also one of the most eccentric.
With a style all his own and a pride and will to prove himself as one of the strongest men in the world, Rob Kearney has acquitted himself well in many strongman competitions.
Looking to set a new American log press record, Rob Kearney has been pushing himself hard in training.
His intentions are to prove that he’s the greatest American log presser and with feats like this it won’t be long until he enters the conversation as world’s strongest.
This past weekend the American strongman attempted a 475 lbs (215.8 kg) log press. Did Rob Kearney succeed in his challenge?
Now that Rob Kearney has set the American record, his next order of business is proving he’s the best in the world.
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.