Every contest prep is different and can make or break a year of training.
THE FRED BIGGIE SMALLS SHOW – is a docu-series revealing the life of bodybuilder Fred Smalls both on and off the stage; in and out of the gym. Known for infusing dance into his bodybuilding posing, Fred looks to change the way bodybuilding can entertain audiences. This is the story of how and why he got to this point. The Fred Biggie Smalls Show airs every Tuesday.
Final contest prep days before a bodybuilding competition are some of the most thrilling and dramatic moments of the sport. While most of it happens behind the scenes and away from the fans – the difference between the day before and the day of a competition can be vast. It can be the transformative moment that a bodybuilder looks like a champion… or it can be the moment that destroys over a year of training and preparation for a big show.
While it’s true that majority of the hard work happens for months and months throughout the career of a bodybuilder – those final touches and on-point dedication in the final days can completely transform all of that hard work. Perhaps a bodybuilder is too dry or maybe a bit too soft because of one minute mistake in the final day.
This is a struggle Fred Biggie Smalls knows all too well – and in the season finale of The Fred Biggie Smalls Show we get a behind the scenes look at the mindset and actions of a bodybuilder in the final stretch of competition prep. Fred talks in detail about what a bodybuilder goes through during the days leading up to a big competition and all of the ways things can go wrong, or right, to solidify the physiques fans will see on stage.
As Fred continues to prep for the Arnold Classic 2018 – his goal is nothing less than to become a champion. In those final days before the competition, will he nail every single detail? Only time will tell – but perhaps this final look at Fred Biggie Smalls can give insight on what to expect come competition day. Check out the full episode above!