Shawn Rhoden addresses the masses about his weight gain.
The current reigning Olympia champion and bodybuilding standout Shawn Rhoden has faced some criticism as of late. Recently doing a guest posing at the Pittsburgh Pro event, Shawn Rhoden came on stage looking a bit different than how he did last September at the 2018 Olympia.
Essentially, Shawn Rhoden looked more than a bit overweight during his guest posing routine with his fellow Open Weight Bodybuilding competitors.
After the event, many have been putting in their two cents, trying to breakdown what happened to Shawn Rhoden and his Olympia level physique.
While to some the answer is pretty simple and straight forward (you can’t be shredded to the bone all year long), there are a great deal of people who still don’t understand why Shawn Rhoden looks a bit puffy in the off season.
Rather than allow speculation to run rampant, Shawn Rhoden has decided to address the issue head on in a recent Instagram post. Check out the post below by the Olympia champion.
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