What’s the best move for Aldo post UFC 194?
In case you missed last Saturday’s Main event at UFC 194, and you live in an area without social media and running water, featherweight challenger Conor McGregor dethroned 10 year undefeated champ Jose Aldo in a record setting :13 second first round – one punch K.O. After the loss, the first thing out of Aldo’s mouth was talks of a rematch, understandably. This fight was damn near a year in the making and took less time than it does to nuke butter. The real question is should he take an immediate rematch? Let’s dig in shall we. First we need to clarify the question. The question is should he, not does he deserve a rematch. If Ronda Rousey gets an immediate rematch with the reasoning of her being a dominant champion as well as bringing in major revenue for the fight then hell yeah he deserves a rematch! The man hasn’t been undefeated in 10 yrs and everything Conor puts his hands on turns to gold so the fight will sell. The question is should he? and if you’re asking any decent fight fan the answer is a resounding no. Jose is all sorts of depressed, embarrassed, and mixed up right now. While his pride wants another rematch, everything else points to no. He just came off of an embarrassing :13 seconds loss to the only man to ever get under his skin so deeply. The psychological warfare that Conor brings is a lot to handle and while I don’t think it shook the champion, I do think it made him extra eager to take Conor’s head off which ultimately lead to his downfall. If Machida has taught us anything is that coming back too soon is a bad idea. Jose needs time to regroup, figure out what went wrong, and get his mind and body in the right place. Yes, it sucks to get an “L” but take your time, take the vacation and plot your next move wisely. Unfortunately for Aldo he’s going to have to take a page from Usher’s book and let it burn.