A defining moment in Gregg’s life that saved him from a life behind bars.

STORYTIME WITH GREGG VALENTINO: SEASON 3 – Gregg is back with a weekly series showcasing the most insane bodybuilding stories ever told. This just might be his most insane, disgusting, and shocking stories ever told. Hold on tight. Storytime With Gregg airs every Friday.

Gregg Valentino is known for his crazy stories. They are often crazy, violent, and full of low brow humor. It’s easy to forget that these insane stories often involve life threatening events. But the story that Gregg tells in today’s episode highlights just how dangerous his life was – and how everything could have been very different for him today. After a violent home invasion, Gregg was ready to kill a man. Literally – he wanted to commit murder. And if he went through with it his entire life could have been different. He could have been in jail or even worse maybe dead. But in a defining moment everything changed and he made a choice that put him on a path towards the man he is today. Watch the episode of Storytime With Gregg Valentino above and see how his daughter changed his life forever.

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