Can aerobics take away all those hard earned gains?
STRAIGHT FACTS WITH JERRY BRAINUM – is an in depth exploration of the more complicated elements behind bodybuilding training, nutrition, and supplements. Hosted by legendary and longtime industry expert, Jerry Brainum, Straight Facts answers user questions so no one is left in the dark.
If there’s one thing that most bodybuilders can agree on – it’s that they all hate running. And for good reason. It’s been long believed that running or any other form of aerobics will drain away your muscle gains and counteract all the hard mass building you’ve been putting into the gym. Losing fat without losing muscle has been one of the strongest challenges bodybuilders face. But is it true? Should you avoid aerobics like the plague? Jerry Brainum puts 30 years of studies and experience to bring you the honest and straight facts. Check it out above.
Have questions you want Jerry Brainum to answer? Send them on over to [email protected] for your chance to have Jerry go into detail about anything in the fitness world that needs clarification.
And if you want even more detailed information every month, be sure to check out Jerry’s very own monthly newsletter – Applied Metabolics. Giving you over 40 pages of expert information in all things bodybuilding. You can also subscribe to the Generation Iron YouTube channel to get daily updates on our latest and greatest shows. Stay pumped!