The 6 Essential Foosd To Create The Leanest Body Possible

Strength Wars Movie

It’s simple. It’s food that WORKS.

Being a bodybuilder means a number of things. It means dedication and sacrifice. It means determination and strategy. You can’t gain muscle and lose fat by just winging it. Getting massive muscle as well as achieving a shredded physique means that you have to calculate everything you do. Never has that statement rang more true than when considering the professional bodybuilder.

For the pro bodybuilder, calculating every move that is made is the key factor in whether they’ll achieve the results they desire. Training regimens are designed with the intention of improving on every essential muscle group in the body. If you’re looking for perfection where physique is concerned then you’re going to have to be dedicated in every facet of your life, including your diet.

Sure, that might sound like a no brainer but it’s the element that separates the weak from the strong in bodybuilding. Achieving a lean form means sacrificing a great deal, particularly where diet is concerned. A fan of ice cream? Sorry, too much fat. Love cheeseburgers? Too much sodium and again fat. Craving a taco? Well, you get the picture. Some of your favorite foods are going to have to put off to the wayside if you’re hoping to make the kind of meaningful gains that will change from the average to alpha.

Everyone can agree that bodybuilding lifestyle can be more than a bit extreme. It requires that sort of single-minded mentality that could break most people. But while on the road you understand that you have an end result in mind that will make everything worth it in the long run. But along the way you’re going to have to fight temptation at every corner, particularly with what you decide to put in your gullet. So what exactly should you eat? Well according to bodybuilder Dave Pulcinella, there are only 6 foods that make up the ultimate bodybuilding diet. Find out which 6 below.

Does Dave have it right? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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