SEASON FINALE: PJ Braun reflects back at the past year in Blackstone Labs and looks towards an uncertain future.

THE MUSCLE MOGUL – is a digital series starring PJ Braun, a bodybuilder and daring business entrepreneur. Fast cars, wild animals, powerful guns, and big business are all commonplace in PJ’s life. But after his company was raided by the FDA and a nasty divorce, PJ found himself at the end of his rope. This is the story of how he persevered and became one of the most exciting and luxurious bodybuilding business owners in the industry. New episodes air every Friday.

Over this past season of The Muscle Mogul we’ve seen all different sides of PJ Braun as a man and of Blackstone Labs as a business. We’ve seen him retell his initial rise to success and the tragic spiral that almost ended everything. But most importantly we’ve seen how he perseveres and brought the company (and also his life) back up to success.

For the season finale of The Muscle Mogul – we take one last look into the behind the scenes world of Blackstone Labs and of PJ Braun’s life. All culminating into what is most important to him – the family he has created. Celebrating with a grand cookout in the company warehouse, PJ looks back at his entire life and career so far… and also looks towards the future.

With recent allegations and cases brought up against him by the Federal Government, his future at the moment remains uncertain but as you can see in these final moments of The Muscle Mogul – he is a man with incredible optimism and the willpower and hard work to back it up.

Whatever the future holds for PJ, it will be hard fought with a positive eye towards further improving and succeeding. Watch it all in the final episode of The Muscle Mogul above.

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