The Truth About Nutrient Timing

Strength Wars Movie

The Reality of the Anabolic Window.

So does that mean that nutrient timing is completely useless? In terms of packing on extra muscle: yes it is useless. In terms of fueling your body or helping you to recover after a strenuous workout: then no. Nutrient timing is important for both giving you the energy to push hard in training as well as aide in your overall recovery – meaning that after a hard workout, consuming the proper nutrients is required in order to rebuild the muscles that were smashed during your workout. You may not have to consume your protein shale directly after your workout, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect eating anything after training. Go ahead, run some errands, take care of your other business, but be sure to get something into your system.

There may not be complete truth to the idea of the Anabolic Window, but it doesn’t change the fact that pre and post workout nutrition is required to boost your gains. Our bodies need fuel and our bodies need to recover. You may not need to have it down to the minute, but it’s definitely something that shouldn’t be negelected. But most of all, you have to follow the plan that works best for you. Only you will know exactly works best with your body. Experiment with the timing of when you consume your nutrients a bit and come up with your own variations that will see you making the most gains.

What’s your opinion on nutrient timing? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.


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