This Is How Eating Fat Will Get You Lean

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Contrary to popular belief.

Fat, one of the most dreaded words in American history. Whether you’re a professional builder or layman when your aunt tells you how fat you’ve gotten over the holidays, it stings a little bit. But alas, recent studies have shown that the giggly little guy has gotten a bad rap.

With the popularization of paleo and other low carb diets, mainstream society is starting to realize eating fat doesn’t make you fat. Instead it’s the accumulation of unused sugar which get stored as fat in the most unwelcomed places – I’m looking at you spare tire. So next time you take off your shirt and see that rounded protruded midsection hiding your rock hard gains, don’t despair, we’ve got the perfect diet to shed that fat in no time.

The goal of the ketogenic diet is to reset your enzyme functioning so that your body is running on fats in the absence of carbs.

You want to first start by bumping up your fat intake to 50% of your diet and reduce protein to about 30-40% of your daily calories. The other 10-20% should come from vegetables.

While bodybuilders tend to load up on meats like chicken or tuna for their protein intake, on the ketogenic diet you want to go for a two for one. By that we mean getting protein and good fats all in one place. Meats and fishes like lamb, salmon, chicken thighs, and lean beef are all good examples.

Lastly, you want to take care of the “sneaky” carbs. By sneaky carbs we mean carbs you don’t even know you’re consuming, like in your meal replacement shakes made of nuts. Instead of meal replacement shakes go for straight protein powders instead, it keeps you strict with less chance of sneaky carbs. While you can consume nuts in certain amounts, ideally you want to rely on carb-free fats such as fats from oils and cheeses.

While we’ve give you the basics of what you’ll need to to do on a ketogenic diet, bodybuilder and youtube personality Jerry Ward gives an in depth video on “Keto” and how it fits into a bodybuilding diet.

Let us know what you think in the comments section below.


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