Transgender Bodybuilder Hopes To Become Mr. Olympia

Transgender bodybuilding?

In this day and age being politically correct and accepting of others despite their race, creed, and sexual orientation has become a major part of progressing as a society. The transgender issue is certainly one of the biggest topics at hand these days. From serving in the military to just basic human rights, the transgender issue is certainly taboo. So when a transgender bodybuilder declares they wish to become a Mr. Olympia champion, there’s no doubt that a public response, both positive and negative, will resound throughout the bodybuilding sphere.

Ajay Holbrook, 20, has made a decision to push his body to the limit by competing in open weight bodybuilding. It’s an especially tough endeavor to say the least, one that many wish to accomplish but that few actually succeed at doing. But Holbrook doesn’t just want to compete, he wants to be a legendary Olympia champion. The biggest catch is that Ajay Holbrook wasn’t born a man. Born Ambreia Holbrook, the young bodybuilder first identified as being male at the age of 16 and ever since has undergone hormone therapy to transition into a man.

transgender bodybuilder

So Ambreia has become Ajay and now seeks to be a transgender bodybuilder, one that hopes to win the Mr. Olympia title some day and pave the way for other transgendered athletes. It’s a very controversial subject matter to say the least and you can bet a ton of hate and confusion will be thrown Holbrook’s way. That said, it is certainly an admirable mindset that Holbrook possesses. Being a transgender bodybuilder won’t be easy as many competitions separate men and women into their own respective categories. It’s an uphill battle that will likely be impossible to win. Yet despite that, Ajay Holbrook will likely continue on with his mission until he makes it a reality.

What do you think of the subject of the transgender bodybuilder competing in pro competition?

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