Arnold Schwarzenegger will lift like a bodybuilder until the day he dies.

While Arnold Schwarzenegger isn’t the bodybuilder with the most Olympia trophies, he is one of the most important bodybuilders in the history of the sport. He changed everything and brought attention to the industry in a way that seemed impossible at the time. A big part of how he was able to do this was just how passionate and in love with bodybuilding he was. And he still is to this day – it guides every aspect of his life.

Bodybuilding will never leave the heart of Schwarzenegger – which is why even at the age of 71 he’s still training in the gym like a beast. Of course, he’s not lifting massive weight like the young pros do today – but he’s lifting with such energy and enthusiasm that you’d never believe he was over 70 years old. He still trains harder than many average young adults do. Don’t take our word for it. Watch it for yourself in this new compilation video put together by Bodybuilding Priest above!

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